The Gaming Commission of Ghana is an Agency under the Ministry of the Interior with continuous progression and a common seal, which was established under the Gaming Act 2006, (Act 721). The Act legalizes all forms of Games of Chance in Ghana except Lottery. The Act empowers the Commission, in the discharge of its functions to acquire and hold any movable or immovable property and enter into contracts or other transactions.

The gaming industry in Ghana was previously regulated under the Lotteries and Betting Act, 1960 (Act31), the Football Pools Authority Act 1961, (Act 78) the Gambling Machines Decree 1973 (NRCD 174) and Casino Licensing Decree 1975 (NRCD 320).Until the establishment of the Gaming Commission, the Ministry of the Interior had oversight responsibility for the regulation of Casinos and other games of chance.
The Gaming Act further states that ,where there is hindrance to the acquisition of property, the property may be acquired for the Commission under the State Property and Contracts Act, 1960 (C.A.6) or the State Lands Act, 1962 (Act 125) and the costs shall be borne by the Commission.

The following are under the jurisdiction of the Commission:
1.    Casinos
2.    Sports Betting
3.    Route Operation (Slot Machines)
4.    Importation and installation of Gaming Equipment
5.    Promotional Gaming (Games of Chance)
6.    Betting on Horse Racing
7.    Scratch Cards
8.    Bingo

Strategic Objectives
The object of the Commission is to regulate, control, monitor and supervise the operation of Games of Chance in the country.
To achieve this objective, the Commission:
•    Makes proposals for the formulation of policies on Games of Chance in the country.
•    License companies that want to operate Casinos and any other Games of Chance.
•    Serves as an advisory body to Government on betting activities in the country.
•    Receives and investigates complaints from companies and the public on matters pertaining to Games of Chance.
•    Monitors and secure implementation of laws on Casinos and any other Game of Chance.
•    Determines the minimum bankroll and ensure that license holders keep and maintain the minimum bankroll.
•    Performs any other functions related to Games of Chance that the Minister for the Interior may determine.

To achieve an enviable and sustainable world-class gaming industry for national development.

Mission Statement
Regulate the gaming industry to ensure full compliance of the law.

Core Values
To strive to maintain integrity, consistency, transparency and professionalism and respect to enable stakeholders have confidence in the Commission.

•    To achieve an enviable customer service
•    To promote responsible, fair and legal gaming industry
•    Maintain a regulatory environment that promotes compliance
•    Develop, retain and value our employees
•    Provide accurate and timely information to the public and other stake holders.

Address:    The Commissioner, Gaming Commission of Ghana, PMB 195, KIA, Accra
Location:   Accra. 31 Fifth Circular Road, Cantonments, Accra

Tel:            +233 302 542003, +233 027 469 8935

